AI training clusters can show rapid and large swings in power consumption. This behavior is likely driven by a combination of properties of both modern compute silicon and AI training software — and may be difficult to manage at scale.
AI training clusters can show rapid and large swings in power consumption. This behavior is likely driven by a combination of properties of both modern compute silicon and AI training software — and may be difficult to manage at scale.
Uptime analysis suggests a growing interest in public cloud by financial institutions. But concerns over cloud providers’ support for regulation compliance ahead of the EU’s Digital Operational Resilience Act may cause some to pull back.
UPS systems are the number one root cause of significant and severe outages. Analysis of reliability data from data center management software provider Fulcrum Collaborations sheds more light on the prevalent UPS component failures.
Several recent outages have exposed the global dependency on a small number of third-party suppliers — and governments around the world are already taking note.
Three recent data center outages illustrate the truth of the adage: “You can’t contract out responsibility.”
Uptime Institute draws lessons from global outages data for 2024’s annual benchmark review of the impacts, costs and changing types and frequency of crucial infrastructure failures.
Avoiding digital infrastructure failures remains paramount for data center owners and operators. This report analyzes recent Uptime Institute data on IT and data center outage trends: their causes, costs and consequences.
Cloud-related outages pose a serious financial risk to operators of mission-critical digital infrastructure. And a rising number of high-cost outages suggests that insurers may have a role to play.
Germany’s Energy Efficiency Act makes a PUE of 1.2 mandatory for all new data centers starting in 2026. This has reignited a debate: can a data center be both highly available and highly efficient?
DLC promises attractive thermal performance and economics, but data center operators looking to adopt it will need to examine how they define and uphold their resiliency standard as product designs and resiliency guidance evolve.
Attitudes to critical infrastructure regulation vary across the world, with the regulators and the regulated mostly agreeing about the goal, role and application of new rules. The US, however, remains an outlier.
Regulatory concerns over security, resiliency and energy use have led to a wave of new and updated requirements for data centers. Organizations are beginning to invest more to achieve compliance.
The Uptime Institute Global Data Center Survey highlights the experiences and strategies of data center owners and operators in areas of resiliency, sustainability, efficiency, staffing, cloud and innovative technologies.
Organizations encounter a bewildering assortment of cloud storage platforms. The difference between the offerings lies in who is responsible for scaling, resiliency and performance: the provider or the customer.
Precision time systems to synchronize IT system clocks over the network have proliferated and evolved to meet the needs of reliable, secure applications.