Event Recap
RECAP | ROUNDTABLE | Preparing for Error-Free Operations
Inside Track’s June 6th roundtable Preparing for Error-Free Operations drew a large number of roundtables from three continents; these participants spent an hour examining the importance of management and procedures to all aspects of data center operations.
Uptime Institute’s CTO Chris Brown kicked off the conversation by suggesting that facilities should start planning its operations team earlier in the process. Many organizations, he said, wait until commissioning to begin planning its operations. This approach increases the ability of team members to familiarize themselves with equipment, how it operates, procedures, and even other team members. This enhances their ability to conduct operations.
One colo operator shared that it was experiencing some difficulties due to a later start, which confirmed Brown’s opening remarks.
The group drilled down further into the topic, as the colo operator shared that its late start meant that new staff was required to operate its facility at a time when new equipment failures remained a problem. Brown noted that experience is often helpful in new installations because facilities are often lightly loaded at first and equipment performs differently. Additionally, considering partially loaded facilities during the design and commissioning will help to avoid some of these issues.
As additional group members commented, it became clear that each had a different motivation for joining the roundtable. As a result, the group shared their insights about a broad range of topics, including staffing rotations, overtime, management, budgeting, forecasting, and the Industry skills shortage. Perhaps most surprisingly, one attendee suggested that developing a tighter set of operations could lead to efficiency improvements that would defer a possible cloud migration for his organization.
Uptime Institute Chief Editor Kevin Heslin suggested that preparing for a migration must have similarities to the launch of a new facility. Brown noted that these projects are often handled as additional assignments to staff who must continue to maintain the older facility while planning any moves.
The session wrapped up with short discussions of managing teams that would include hosting providers and third-party contractors.
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