Event Recap

RECAP | Roundtable: What are you doing to address the ongoing talent shortage issue?


Staffing issues are ongoing in the data center industry but tend to get deprioritized in favor of other issues. Short-term solutions such as leveraging salary may not work as well as they once did to attract and retain employees as senior experts leave the workforce, and younger employees with different perspectives and values join. Organizations can begin to explore solutions such as non-traditional talent pools, emphasis on mentorship, and increasing collaboration in the community.

Supporting Questions:

  • Skills gaps: which roles do you fill successfully and where do you struggle the most?
  • Recruitment: are you expanding your talent pipeline beyond universities and other data centers? Why or why not?
  • Retention: what are some variables you have found that impact turnover?

Rose Weinschenk, Research Associate, Uptime Institute Intelligence moderated the roundtable session on 30 October 2024.

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