UII UPDATE 265 | JUNE 2024
Intelligence Update

Targeted recruitment can widen the talent pool

27 Jun 2024
7 min read

Staffing shortages in the data center industry persist despite widespread recruitment efforts. While these shortages are largely due to rapid industry expansion, the low numbers of employees from under-represented groups suggest that a re-examination of the industry’s recruitment practices could widen talent pipelines. This could include targeting military veterans, women, neurodiverse individuals and those looking to switch careers.

Uptime Institute’s 2023 staffing survey revealed that two-thirds of data center operators have initiatives in place to hire new entrants into the job market (see Figure 1). Yet, in a separate question,58% of companies report difficulty in sourcing qualified candidates. This calls into question whether current recruitment strategies are effective in reaching prospective employees. By re-evaluating their recruitment initiatives and targeting them toward smaller, clearly defined groups, operators can improve the effectiveness of their recruitment programs.

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