Event Recap

RECAP | 2021 Q1 North America Regional Member Briefing

Uptime Institute conducted a live virtual online briefing for members primarily in North America on 15 March 2021. Thank you to all the folks that attended the briefing!

The following was the briefing agenda. The collection that provides the presentations and the audio/video from the event is included below.

Spotlight: Sustainability and the Focus on Renewable Energy -
Data center owners and operators are firmly behind the drive to increase the availability of renewable generation in the electricity grid, taking steps to procure renewable electricity and/or renewable electricity for their operations. But the renewable electricity market is extremely complex with potential financial and reliability surprises hidden within the procurement options. In this presentation, Jay Dietrich, Research Director, Sustainability for Uptime Institute, will discuss the pros and cons of the available procurement options for renewable electricity or the zero emissions attributes of renewable electricity generation and their implications for data center owners and operators.

Keynote, Member Presentation: Critical Facilities Governance -
Jeremy Hurley, Critical Facilities Director, Walmart. With the rapid rate of change in the IT landscape, it is imperative for critical facility owners to deliver strategic alignment to organizational vision with a governance mindset.

Technical Presentation: Importance of Cooling Optimization in the Path to Sustainability -
Lars Strong, Sr. Engineer and Company Science Officer, Upsite Technologies. Most organizations are unaware of the thermal risks and inefficiencies that lurk in their data centers or think they are adequately covered because they have a good BMS system in place. Using emerging AI and machine learning technologies, affordable software systems now exist to compliment BMS systems to identify and manage thermal risk. By removing thermal risk and underpinning follow on cooling optimization projects, these software systems finally give the Data Center Manager ‘thermal peace of mind’.

The People Challenge: Global Data Center Staffing Forecast 2021-2025 -
Uptime Institute has completed the first forecast of global data center workforce needs – by region, by data center type, and by education requirements. Rhonda Ascierto, VP of Research for Uptime Institute, will discuss the key findings and the impacts to the data center industry.

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