Intelligence Update

EED reporting limps out of the gate

The European Commission introduced the EU Database on Data Centres and the direct reporting process to both data center operators and EU member state staff in a webinar on September 6, 2024. While the database is up and running, member states have yet to establish their processes to provide IT operators with their entity and data center ReferenceIDs — a prerequisite for reporting data to the database. The Commission clearly stated that data center operators should not report their data for a given country until they have received these ReferenceIDs from the member state coordinator.

As a result of the slow rollout, the Commission and the EU member states (less Germany and the Netherlands, which already have national laws and earlier submission dates) are not enforcing either the Energy Efficiency Directive’s (EED) original May 15, 2024 reporting date or the delegated regulation’s September 15, 2024 reporting deadline. Data center operators must still report their 2023 operating information and key performance indicators (KPIs), which include total and IT energy consumption, renewable energy consumption, water consumption, and waste heat output, where the data is available. The delegated regulation does allow an operator to omit this data if they did not have systems in place to collect the data in 2023. Uptime Intelligence detailed the EED reporting requirements in EED delegated regulation is finally final.

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