UII UPDATE 160 | Q4 2022
Intelligence Update

Tweak to AWS Outposts reflects demand for greater cloud autonomy

Amazon Web Services (AWS) has made a minor change to its private-cloud appliance, AWS Outposts, that could significantly impact resiliency. The cloud provider has enabled local access to cloud administration, removing the appliance’s reliance on the public cloud. In the event of a network failure between the public cloud and the user’s data center, the private-cloud container platform can still be configured and maintained.

Many public-cloud providers have extended their offerings to now make their services accessible through the user’s own choice of data center. Services are typically billed in the same way as they are via the public cloud, and accessed through the same portal and software interfaces, but are now delivered from hardware and software hosted in the user’s own facility. Such services are in demand from customers seeking to meet compliance or data protection requirements, or to improve the end-user experience through lower latency.

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