Event Recap
RECAP | Uptime Institute UIN-NA Group 3 and 4 Omaha Spring Conference [PRESENTATIONS POSTED]
The UIN-NA Omaha spring conference for Groups 3&4 occurred April 24-25 and was attended by 30+ members and guests. The event had excellent member presentations covering a wide range of topics - data center training, upgrading electrical and ATS systems in live environments, fuel quality, and operator preparedness. UI and 451 Research presentations included fault avoidance, datacenter management systems, a panorama of outages, and various survey results covering the data center industry and data center physical security. A highlight of the event was the comprehensive host data center tour provided by Fidelity.
Presentations from the event are included in this wrap-up. Host presentations have not been included at the request of Fidelity, but please feel free to reach out directly to either Brian Obernesser (Brian.Obernesser@fmr.com) or Craig Ball (william.ball@fmr.com) in regards to what was presented.
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