Event Recap


The importance of MOPs, SOPs and EOPs was underscored by the urgency exhibited by participants in Uptime Institute’s Inside Track roundtable on August 8. Several session participants noted that they were taking active steps to identify and close any gaps in their procedures.
Each of these participants expressed different concerns regarding their procedures. One individual sought to confirm the quality of the organization’s EOPs, yet another wanted time to proactively revisit all existing procedures, and a third noted the difficulties inherent in standardizing across multiple, diverse facilities.

During the session, Ryan Orr, Uptime Institute’s Training Program Director, outlined the difference between SOPs, MOPs, and EOPs. He noted that, though there is a lot of variance in procedure requirement based on many variables, Uptime Institute advises that for maximum effectiveness most organizations maintain 20-40 EOPs and 50-100 SOPs, many more MOPs are required.

Towards the end of the session, one individual outlined his system, which he dubbed Failure mode, effects and criticality analysis (FMECA). FMECA, he said, enabled his organization to engage in continuous improvement. A related program provides reminders that support an annual review of all the organization’s MOPs, OPS and EOPs. He noted that his insurance provider has rewarded the company (a colo provider) with a reduced insurance premium.

This discussion prompted Orr to note that organizations sometimes overlook the effort it takes to develop and maintain procedures, particular during times of change or when additional phases are added to a facility. Harnessing the effort requires that someone take ownership of the procedures and responsibility for updating and maintaining them and driving a structured program of regular review and update akin to a Change Management program.

Other participants explained that they were happy with efforts to train staff to their procedures and also to maintain staffing levels necessary to follow and execute procedures.

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