Event Recap

RECAP | ROUNDTABLE | Application Reliability in a Hybrid Environment

Uptime Institute’s August 21st roundtable focused on Application Reliability in a Hybrid Environment. Most roundtable participants attended to learn more about application reliability. Uptime Institute Vice President IT Optimization and Strategy Todd Traver took a leading role, fielding questions and sharing his insights into application reliability.

Given that most of, if not all, the roundtable participants have facilities backgrounds, it was not surprising that most of the conversation revolved around the role of facilities in IT organizations based on IT resiliency. It appeared to demonstrate that organizations must break down the silos that separate facilities, IT and applications, and networks in order to succeed.

Traver responded that facilities is the best positioned to start a dialog. He noted that only facilities has visibility and understanding of the capacity and limitations of each facility (including colocation and as a service). He also shared that IT and applications engineers do not always share the 100% availability mentality required to provide 24x7 services to customers.

Facilities, on the other hand, “lives and breathes” this mentality, which is why facilities has such a commitment to procedures necessary to 100% service deliverability. This commitment extends as far as black start testing of facilities.

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