Event Recap

RECAP | Local Network Meeting - Shanghai

Dear Members, On 26 September, we completed an awesome Network Meeting in Shanghai hosting nearly 50 attendees from our membership, ATD/AOS students and invited guests. Had good discussion around 2 topics namely “Conflicts between Data Center Owners and Designers” and “M/O lessons learnt”. Some good discussions and ideas and a great networking opportunity for all. Thank you to all speakers and participants. The presentation charts are now ready for download.

亲爱的会员,9月26日我们刚开完上海的闭门圆桌会议,此会来了近50人,单位包括Uptime Institute 会员组织的成员,ATD/AOS培训学生和特邀的客户。会中讨论了两个主题 “数据中心业主和设计人员之间的隔阂”以及“如何为无错误的运营做好准备和从M/O所学到的经验”。感谢两位老师主持会议和大家参与。会中用的胶片已可下载。

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