Event Recap

RECAP | 2019 NA Groups 2&4 Spring Conference - Colorado Springs - CO - USA [FINAL AGENDA and PRESENTATIONS POSTED]

Uptime Institute Network conducted the 2019 Group 2&4 Spring North America conference in Colorado Springs, Colorado, March 4-6, 2019.

The conference was extremely well attended with over 75 Network members and guests, with a group from the APAC/China Network attending as well. A guest presentation was provided by Steve Hammond, Computational Science Director for the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL), on the energy efficiency of the NREL Data Center in Golden, Colorado. Attendees were also treated to a wide range of member presentations on Walmart building automation security, to establishing a business intelligence group at RBC, to creating a culture of innovation at Kaiser Permanente, to quantifying critical facility reliability by T-Mobile, just to name a few. The Uptime Institute Intelligence group presented on smart energy in data centers, hybrid resiliency for service delivery, and 2019 data center top 10 trends. At the end of the first day, there was a rousing discussion during the technical roundtable happy hour on data center staffing, as well as a number of other relevant Inside Track topics. That evening, a fun group dinner was conducted where members afterwards challenged each other at darts, pool, and table top shuffleboard. On the second day, the attendees were treated to a fantastic data center tour from the conference host, Walmart.

Thank you to our host, Walmart, all the presenters, as well as the attendees for being engaging and active throughout the event!

The final agenda is attached, and all the presentations can be viewed/downloaded through the link to the conference Resource Collection displayed below.

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