Event Recap

RECAP | 2019 Asia Pacific Network Fall Conference [PRESENTATIONS ATTACHED]

We just had a fabulous Network Conference in Beijing on 13-15 November where nearly 100 members and guests attended from almost 50 companies.

Among the speakers were Uptime Institute’s Chief Revenue Officer, Phil Collerton, VP Efficient IT, Scott Killian and member speakers from Alibaba, China Mobile, Beijing ZhongYunXin as well as our Premier partner Travelsky Birun. The meeting provided an opportunity to exchange ideas and learn from one another.

A good spread of topics were covered, ranging from 2020 Trends, data center selection, resiliency, AIRS trending analysis, Value of MO to Tier updates, commissioning updates, IDC Operations and maintenance as well as green data center.

The following day, we had the chance to tour Beijing ZhongYunXin’s data center which was recently certified TCDD Tier IV.

11月13日至15日,我们刚刚在北京召开了Uptime Institute 成员大会,来自近50家公司的近100名成员和嘉宾参加了会议。 演讲嘉宾包括Uptime Institute的首席营收官,Phil Collerton,高效IT副总裁,斯科特·基利安(Scott Killian)以及来自阿里巴巴,中国移动,北京中运新以及我们合作伙伴中航信柏润的成员发言人。 这次会议提供了交流思想和相互学习的机会。 涵盖了广泛的主题,从2020年趋势,数据中心选择,云时代的弹性,AIRS趋势分析,MO的价值,到Tier更新,测试验收更新,IDC运营和绿色数据中心。

第二天,我们有机会参观了北京中云信数据中心,该中心最近获得了TCDD Tier IV认证。

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