Event Recap

RECAP | 2018 North America Network Fall Conference [FINAL AGENDA and PRESENTATIONS ATTACHED]

Uptime Institute Network conducted the 2018 Fall North America conference in Toronto, Ontario, Canada, October 14-17, 2018.

The theme of the conference was Adapting to Change, and presentations hit the mark on emphasizing this theme throughout the event. Attendees were challenged to establish BHAG’s (big hairy audacious goals) that focus on opportunities to be ahead of the “chaos”. Rousing lunch table discussions focused on energized work, disaster preparedness, hybrid resiliency, fire suppression, and DCIM. There was a lot of Interaction and conversation during the Roundtable Activity where edge computing and data center staffing were the two topics, and it seemed like the discussion on these two topics could have gone on for hours. The attendees were treated to four fantastic data center tours from the conference hosts – BMO, CGI, RBC, and TD Bank.

Thank you to all the hosts, presenters, as well as the attendees for being engaging and active throughout the event.

The final agenda is attached, and all the presentations can be viewed/downloaded through the link to the conference Resource Collection displayed below.

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