UII UPDATE 46 | Q1 2020
Intelligence Update

Pay-as-you-go model spreads to critical components

As enterprises continue to move from a focus on capital expenditures to operating expenditures, more data center components will also be consumed on a pay-as-you-go, “as a service” basis.

“-aaS” goes mainstream

The trend toward everything “as a service” (XaaS) is now mainstream in IT, ranging from cloud (infrastructure-aaS) and software-aaS (SaaS) to newer offerings, such as bare metal-aaS, container-aaS, and artificial intelligence-aaS (AI-aaS). At the IT level, service providers are winning over more clients to the service-based approach by reducing capital expenditures (capex) in favor of operational expenditures (opex), by offering better products, and by investing heavily to improve security and compliance. More organizations are now willing to trust them.

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