UII UPDATE 85 | Q1 2021
Intelligence Update

Ensuring physical security in uncertain times

Recent events have heightened concerns around physical security for many data center operators, and with good reason: the pandemic means many data centers may still be short-staffed, less time may have been available for review of and training on routine procedures, and vendor substitutes may be more common than under non-pandemic conditions. Add the usual “unusuals” that affect operations (e.g., severe storms causing staff absences and increasing the likelihood of utility failures), and normal precautions may fall by the wayside.

For most data centers, much of physical security starts at site selection and design. The typical layered (“box inside a box”) security strategy adopted by most facilities handles many concerns. If a data center has vulnerabilities (e.g., dark fiber wells beyond the perimeter), they’re generally known and provisions have been made to monitor them. Routine security standards are in place, emergency procedures are established, and all employees are trained. Many relevant recommendations are included in Uptime’s Tier Certification of Operational Sustainability and regional guidelines (e.g., the Monetary Authority of Singapore Technology Risk Management Guidelines and the European Data Center Standard series EN 50600).

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