UII UPDATE 21 | Q3 2019
Intelligence Update

Data center staff vs. AI, robots

With decades of strong growth behind it and no slowdown in sight, the data center sector is struggling with staff shortages. According to Uptime Institute’s 2019 global survey of more than 1,000 IT and data center managers (UI Intelligence report 26), and what we hear anecdotally, the situation seems to be worsening:

  • 61% of survey respondents had difficulty retaining or recruiting staff, up from 55% a year ago; and
  • 41% were having difficulty finding qualified candidates for open jobs, up slightly from 37% last year.

The view from the sector’s supply side (UI Intelligence report 29) is more optimistic. We surveyed more than 500 data center designers, consultants and vendors globally, and just 28% believe a shortage of facilities staff will limit growth in the coming five years.

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