UII UPDATE 210 | Q3 2023
Intelligence Update

Operators still lagging on key sustainability metrics

Lenny Simon
8 Sep 2023
4 min read

Historically, the rules for data center design and operation have been dictated by the need for resiliency, availability and the economic efficiency of digital infrastructure. In recent years, operators have faced a new demand — to improve the reported environmental footprint of their facilities. This means that not only do facilities need to be environmentally efficient (in their use of energy, water and carbon), but they must be able to demonstrate this efficiency in reportable numbers.

Europe is taking the lead in introducing sustainability reporting requirements that will affect thousands of data centers, and it is likely that other regions will follow. To meet the growing demands of regulators, investors and the public, operators are required to track key sustainability indicators. Progress, however, is slow — and many operators are likely to fail in meeting their mandatory obligations.

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