
Waste Heat Recovery Retrofits? New York State Funding Available

For those of you with data centers in New York State, please take a look at this update from the New York State Energy Research and Development Authority. The agency is trying to incentivize data center waste heat recovery retrofits on existing sites by offering three different paths to access state funding, up to $40k to support feasibility studies, up to $80k to support engineering consultants on a project design, and up to $2M in project funding. End users would provide partial funding of the cost in each phase. If you have sites in NYS, we'd love to hear if you think this will be valuable. I've attached some recent reports on Waste Heat Resue, including Jay's recent analysis of the NY State data center regulation which may include waste heat re-use as a metric.

Should data centers sell their heat_ (1).pdf
Heat reuse - a management primer (2).pdf
US state drafts plan for data center regulations (1).pdf

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